
The EX Designer

Part of our ground-breaking ‘EX Master’ online learning programme, this practical masterclass will provide you with the knowledge, skills, tools and resources needed to design employee experiences that are human-centred and will improve employee engagement and create a competitive advantage.

  Approx. 6 week programme 
 2-4 hours per week

Programme overview

This masterclass will enable you to design brilliant experiences. You’ll experiment with practical tools, from the world of design-thinking, service-design, agile and positive psychology, to take a genuinely human-centred approach to design experiences which deliver engagement and make a positive difference to your organisation.  

At the end of the masterclass you will be able to confidently apply practical employee experience design tools that really work. You’ll understand how to build an experience that puts your people first and how to take actionable insights to build moments that matter for your people. In summary you’ll have everything you need to design an EX that is right for your organisation and brand, and creates a competitive advantage.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for anyone who identifies as an ‘EX Designer’, or anyone looking to build skills and capability in this area.

The EX Designer is focused on designing specific experiences. They will take a human-centred approach seeking to really know and understand the employees they are designing for. They will understand the organisational context outlined via the EX ‘blueprint’ and/or their own functional plans and ensure the experiences they design align with them. They will consider metrics to demonstrate how the experiences they are designing land with employees, as well as how they contribute to the broader EX plans and blueprint.

The EX Designer could sit in any number of different areas across the organisation. For example, they might be within the L&D team designing specific learning experiences. Or they could sit in the internal comms team designing digital communication experiences. This work is usually organisation-wide and focused on the entire employee journey, before, during and after employment. As such it includes the pre-joining and alumni experience as well. It underpins all of the experiences you want your people to have, which others may then go on to plan, design, and deliver.

What to expect from the course?

  • Learn at your own pace, but as part of a global peer group
  • Opportunity to 'check in' with experts using our monthly EX Clinics
  • Be part of an active learning community
  • Comprehensive links to supporting tools and further reading 
  • Complete assignments in your own time and get feedback from tutors and peers

What will we cover?

Course objectives

At the end of this course you’ll be able to:
  • Confidently use practical tools to design brilliant employee experiences for your people.
  • In summary you’ll have everything you need to design an EX that is right for your organisation and brand, and creates a competitive advantage.
  • Identify some quick wins to improve the employee experience and engagement
  • Know where to go to continue exploring this topic


This course will help you to:
  • Design an experience that puts your people first
  • Take actionable insights to build moments that matter for your people
  • Discover practical tools to help you get started today
  • Design brilliant experiences that create a competitive advantages and address key pain points

Get your achievements recognised

Successfully complete this course to earn The EX Space Architect Certificate

What do people say about working with us?

I recently completed the Fundamentals of EX and it opened my eyes to a whole new world of employee experience and engagement. The EX Space and the masterclass course provided me with the essential foundations to embark on a journey of positive change within my organization.
Charles (Chuck) Thompson,
Sr Director Global HR Execution, Sutherland

Meet your instructor

Emma Bridger

EX Space Founder
Emma is one of the world’s leading employee engagement and experience experts. She is the author of Employee Engagement (2014) and Employee Experience by Design co-authored with Belinda Gannaway (2021) - yes she literally wrote the book on the subject! A psychologist and coach, she has been training people professionals in employee engagement and employee experience for more than two decades. Through her consultancy, People Lab, she works with a range of global organisations to make a positive difference to the people who work there.

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