Architect / Planner / Designer / Builder
Revolutionise your employee experience – unlock success and explore the ultimate guide to EX
Emma Bridger and Belinda Gannaway joins our Expert Insights webinar - the masterminds behind the groundbreaking book "Employee Experience by Design". They unveil the secrets to designing an effective EX in this long-awaited 2nd edition.
Explore innovative approaches, and ground-breaking diagnostics which will revolutionise your perspective on what truly defines a remarkable employee experience. 🌟
🔍 Dive deeper with the EX Lens: Explore the innovative EX Lens, a powerful model unveiling the nine universal themes of an exceptional employee experience. Built on over a decade's worth of research, this model will unlock new insights.
🔮 Shape the future with new frameworks: Discover a cutting-edge framework designed to reimagine the future of employee experience. Gain insights into strategic planning and learn how to navigate the evolving landscape of workplace dynamics with confidence.
🗺️ Transform your approach with Service Design: Unlock the true value of your employee journey maps with a service design blueprint. Learn how to leverage this tool effectively to drive tangible results.
👥 Connect and collaborate: Engage with industry experts, share experiences, and ask burning questions during our interactive Q&A.
At the core of Emma and Belinda's approach is their unwavering commitment to demystify the world of EX, and provide practical guidance rooted in evidence-based best practice and scientific rigour.